Verifying the autheNticity of people and goods is a perennial challenge for mankind
Since the early days of humankind, identifying, earmarking and counting of values and goods have been key processes for society. Seals or stamps are good examples for such early integrity and authentication solutions. Thus the authority could manifestits power, its cultural impact and its political reach on an international scale.
Today the demand for integrity and authentication solutions are driven by globalization and digitization. The damages arising from integrity fraud in today’s global markets are growing at a breathtaking speed. This is why multi factor authentication is a must in future business models.
IntegrySign offers the solution with HyperMark & HUMETRX
How many personal belongings do you have that YOU can judge and value for yourself to be genuine? If you are true to yourself - very few. With all other items, we have to trust a certificate, a person, an institution, etc. With IntegrySign's HyperMark solution, YOU can check the authenticity of goods and people yourself - completely tamper-proof, with no one and nothing in between, easy to use and cost effective.
HyperMark combines several cutting-edge technologies in a novel way to create true volume holograms with deterministic information. This makes each hologram’s content complex, infinitely scalable and unique, yet still readable by human eyes and thus easy to verify by YOU. HyperMark offers a portfolio of product variants and value-added services that make use cases and applications limitless - to protect what is value to YOU.
The ultimate protection of the integrity of your products and services is crucial to every transaction and in every market.
In every industry four key cases cause the most damage
Today, globalization and digitization are driving demand for integrity and authentication solutions. The damages arising from integrity fraud in today’s global markets are growing at a breathtaking speed. This is why multi factor authentication is a must in future business models.
Anti-counterfeiting solutions, brand protection warranty misuse
Logistics, origin, grey markets transport & warehouses branded or anonymous
Who is buying or selling, are the goods genuine, are the certificates valid?
IDs & wallets
Access IDs, KYC, AML, FIAT, biometric ID, crypto, blockchain loyality and value cards
Ultimate integrity protection for your products & services
Product origin
Visual verify of any product
perfect solution against counterfeits
Personal authentication
Personal business, signing, supports anonymity
Every deal requires integrity, KYC, AML
IP & copyrights
Art objects, design, Identify the value
Product provenance, protect craftsmanship
Access of data & goods
Accessing data absolutely safe
Data and its access are becomingincreasingly important
Integrity is crucial in any transaction
works with all means of payment, FIAT,
digital wallets, crypto, blockchain, value cards
Personal ID
Personal security with or w/out biometric
involves verifying the identity of users,
goods, devices, or entities
In any transaction & marketplace integrity is crucial
Who is the buyer, who is the seller, are the goods genuine and the origin right, are the authentications valid?
Authentication is the core business of IntegrySign.
Integrity is the highest seal of approval forverifying the authenticity of people and goods.
Integrysign is the solution for absolutely secure authentication of people and goods againstfraud, product protection & piracy.
Multi factor authentication through holographic signatures is a must in future business models to ultimately protect product & services against fraud, counterfeits and piracy.
The IntegrySign HyperMark APP concept, which can read and verify the Holographic Signature easily and automatically, is a real breakthrough.
Personal identification capitalizes on biometric security factors and has become an integral part of our daily routine. HUMETRX voice biometrics provide maximum security with unique convenience.
Voice Authentication - the future of biometric security
Independent of the application, users simply need to speak a random phrase such as “Please make the transfer.” or “Book my table for dinner, please.” to validate their identity.
How to prevent fraud, counterfeiting and piracy?
Empower your ownership through personalized access
With its two brands HUMETRX & HyperMark IntegrySign aims to be a dominant player in the individual and product security market.
INTEGRYSIGN offers breakthrough solutions with HYPERMARK and HUMETRX, which ensure ultimate integrity for the visual identification and the authentication of individuals, financial assets, material assets and goods.
Stay up-to-date with our latest news and events
Uniqueness in Every Aspect – HyperMark labels ensure authenticity and the highest level of security
How IntegrySign's Tamper-Proof Authentication Solution Ensures Product Integrity in Global Trade
Exciting News - Welcome to our maximum-security vault!
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